Spybot Info - Previous Link Texts


-> Don’t expect this document to update too often! The Spybot story occurs in real time - please refer to the Spybot Timeline of Events for more information and current events.
-> Though the title says “Spybot link text,” this will also contain other, non-Spybot characters! As long as they have a connection to a Spybot, previous link text of theirs will be documented.
-> Dates are in Toontown/Pacific Time. Years are marked first by the in-universe year, then its real life counterpart in bracket. Tooltips will be implemented at a later date.

10PM (Madame Raven)

Thoughts on 11PM prior to 27.05.2011 (2022)

He's an idiot, but I don't think he's entirely stupid. From what I've heard, he's not bad his job as a Cog. He just needs to learn that Toons aren't interested in jellybean loans.

[Co-workers. 10PM thinks 11PM is an idiot, but she's not as hard on him as 12AM is. Closer to not mad, just disappointed.]

Thoughts on 12AM prior to 27.05.2011 (2022)

...Has anybody told her to smile more? Not in a Toon-like way, of course, I'm simply confused. Minglers are supposed to have award-winning smiles. I can't recall 12AM smiling. Regardless, she's a fine Cog. I don't have much else to say about her, really.


11PM (Leonardo Laffencrash)

Thoughts on 10PM prior to 27.05.2011 (2022)

You would think a Lawbot would be meaner, right? I've talked to a couple of other Lawbots myself, and they were a lot meaner than she is. I don't think she knows she's not mean by Lawbot standards...? Still pretty mean, since she agrees with 12AM that I'm an idiot, but still. I've also noticed that ever since the Chairman assigned her to finding 1AM, she's been more impatient. It makes her look rather suspicious as well. I don't think she knows THAT, either.

[Co-workers. 11PM doesn't HATE 10PM, but he doesn't particularly like her either.]

Thoughts on 12AM prior to 27.05.2011 (2022)

10PM might get on my case for saying this, seeing as she's a Legal Eagle and all... but I HATE 12AM! I thought high-rank Sellbots were supposed to be charismatic and the kind of Cog you want to hang out with! I almost feel bad for whoever has to work for her! She says that I'm going to get demoted for being "bad at my job," but she seems pretty bad at hers, too! Especially considering she's up to... something! You think I don't know suspicious behaviour when I see it, 12AM?? When she gets demoted, I will make my best impression of a Toon's laugh right in her face!

[Co-workers. Hates 12AM for how hard she is on him, and is determined to prove he's better than her.]

Thoughts on Cap’n Octavia Dynogadget prior to 28.05.2011 (2022)

1AM was... interesting. Yeah. Let's go with interesting. She used to be your run-of-the-mill Corporate Raider personality-wise, and I used to hate her the most, but after a few weeks she... started to mellow out? Which was incredibly WEIRD, but I don't think I... hated it either. Being able to talk to a fellow Spybot without them bringing up how "bad I am at my job" was refreshing.

...Upon reflection, maybe their disappearance isn't so strange after all.

[Formerly co-workers. Used to hate 1AM with a passion, but quickly became his favourite other Spybot after they began to consider defecting to the Toons' side.]

12AM (Midnight Nickelspinner)

Thoughts on 11PM prior to 27.05.2011 (2022)

He's an idiot. He's also going to get demoted. I can tell by the tone the Chairman uses when he speaks to him.

[Co-workers. 12AM thinks 11PM is an idiot, and she's very hard on him as a result.]

Cap'n Octavia Dynogadget (1AM)

Thoughts on 11PM prior to 28.05.2011 (2022)

He was tryin'. (Ahem, trying.) Yes, he was annoying, but 12AM and 10PM were already hard on him, so after a little while I felt guilty for being the same. I don't know if he appreciated the change, but I hope the Chairman doesn't deactivate him. He's got the potential to be a great friend.

[Formerly co-workers. Used to be VERY hard on 11PM, but felt guilty about it after spending some time around the Toons and adjusted her behaviour accordingly.]

Thoughts on Tangle N. Twist prior to 14.03.11 (2022) (Pie Day)

My best best BEST friend, as the other Toons say! I'm so glad I met Tangle, I truly don't think my life would be the same without her. She seems very happy to have met me, as well. I hope.

[Best friends! Octavia's trying not to let her anxiety get the better of them when it comes to their future with Tangle.]

2AM (Roxy Weaselteeth)

Thoughts on 10PM prior to 28.05.2012 (2023)

She's... fine, I guess? Don't know her very well. She kinda gives me the creeps? And I get that she's meant to be looking for uh.... (what's her name?) ...3AM's predecessor, but she's not meant to be in Toontown THAT often, is she?

[Co-workers. 2AM doesn't entirely trust 10PM, but she's not sure how to bring it up to the Chairman without losing her job.]

Thoughts on 11PM prior to 28.05.2012 (2023)

That's the guy I was made to replace, right? 12AM told me he was a *bwap* Spybot. If the idiot got himself booted into an invasion, he had to have been.

[Replacement. 2AM sees 11PM as an utter failure that she refuses to be like.]

Thoughts on 12AM prior to 28.05.2012 (2023)

Don't know her very well, but 12AM seems like the only Cog here who knows how to do her dang job!

[Co-workers. Respects 12AM's scathing rudeness.]

3AM (Captain Astrid)

Thoughts on 2AM prior to 28.05.2012 (2023)

She's terrifying. She is absolutely terrifying and I'm unsure of how to get on her good side. Perhaps if I invite her to go golfing with me...?

[Co-workers. 3AM's trying to get her to warm up to him at least a little, but it's not working and he knows it. That's not going to stop him from giving up, though!]

Tangle N. Twist

Thoughts on Cap’n Octavia Dynogadget (1AM) prior to 14.03.11 (2022) (Pie Day)

Vi's such a sweetheart! And who knew I'd meet such a toontastic mechanic on the Trolley of all places? They're always putting others first, but that does worry me from time to time. I hope they're looking after themselves as well. It would be terrible to see someone so supportive go sad from overexertion.

[Best friends! Tangle worries for Octavia's health, though.]