Chapter 1: Hyness, the Butterfly...

Chapter 2: Trying to Find Answers

Chapter 3: We Need to Talk Chapter 4: Starlight's Duel Chapter 5: Gone Chapter 6: Start of an Endless... Chapter 7: Storming the Castle Chapter 8: Showdown on the Rooftop Chapter 9: Channel PPP, Report... Chapter 10: Creeps of the Forest Chapter 11: On the Search for... Chapter 12: Orange Ocean Chapter 13: Running into... Chapter 14: Raging Battle Among... Chapter 15: Palace of Heliospa Chapter 16: Pretty Secret Walk-in... Chapter 17: Pressing Onward Chapter 18: In the Eye of... Chapter 19: On the Edge of... Chapter 20: All Aboard Chapter 21: Paradise Chapter 22: Home


Chapter 2: Trying to Find Answers

Originally posted on 27/03/18

The sun had set now, and the moon was starting to creep up into the sky. Thankfully, Galacta Knight was able to get a room in Castle Dedede for a few nights - in fact, King Dedede seemed to like having another knight around.

Kirby was happy that Galacta could get some rest. He was sure he would need it. But now, he had another pressing matter on his mind - finding Meta Knight. He knew that he was up until late, usually doing important duties. If he was quick enough, Kirby might be able to catch him before he went out.

He sped around the castle, shouting excuse me’s to any Waddle Dees in his path. He had decided to go to the runway first, where the Halberd was most commonly rested. As soon as he dashed outside, he was met by Mace Knight and Axe Knight, two of Meta Knight’s most loyal soldiers.

“Hey Kirby!” Mace Knight greeted.

“What’s got you in a rush?” Axe Knight asked curiously.

“Where’s Dad? I gotta ask him some things!” Kirby babbled.

Axe Knight raised an eyebrow for a second, before realising what Kirby meant.

“Meta Knight’s in his room, last I checked!” Axe Knight said, pointing back at the castle.

Kirby turned to look back at the castle for a moment before taking off again.

“Thanks!” Kirby yelled as he ran back inside.

“You’re welcome, kid!” Mace Knight yelled back.

Kirby dashed through the hallways, his arms trailing behind him. He darted down a corridor to the left, which lead him up a long, twisting flight of stairs. Once he reached the top of the stairs, he found his way to Meta Knight’s door. Kirby knocked three times and waited patiently. The door soon clicked open to reveal Meta Knight, who quickly looked down at Kirby.

“Why hello Kirby,” Meta Knight said, “I certainly wasn’t expecting you at this hour. What brings you?”

“You know a buncha stuff, so I was thinking maybe you know a buncha stuff about this one particular thing!” Kirby said, waving his arms.

Meta Knight raised an eyebrow, before saying, “Come on in, Kirby.”

Meta Knight further opened the door and stepped aside, letting the young puffball in. Meta Knight closed the door and wandered over to where Kirby had decided to sit: his bed, unsurprisingly to him.

He sat himself next to Kirby and asked, “So what is this particular thing you want to ask me about?”

Kirby inhaled before saying, “Today I saw the butterfly, you know, the red and yellow one, and I started chasing it when Hyness tried to attack it and he said something, uhhh, about it being a monster that’s gonna kill us all?”

Meta Knight sighed, placing a hand to where his temple would be.

“Hyness is… Hyness, Kirby.”

“Yeah but I was wondering you might know something about monster butterflies or butterflies that were turned into monsters or monsters that were turned into butterflies or anything to do with monsters and butterflies?” Kirby said.

“Monsters… and butterflies…” Meta Knight muttered. He thought for seemed like ages for Kirby, who stared up at his father figure with wide, curious eyes.

“...I can’t recall any myths about butterflies, unfortunately,” Meta Knight said. He looked to Kirby and said, “Sorry, little one.”

“It’s okay, Dad!” Kirby told him, “If I expected you to know everything, I’d be really really silly! But you totally know the most outta everyone in Dream Land!”

Meta Knight chuckled quietly. “Thank you, Kirby.” He picked up the younger puffball and placed him on the floor. “You should get going, now. It’s getting late.”

As if on cue, Kirby let out a yawn. “Okie dokie, Dad. Good night! Sweet dreams!”

“You too, Kirby.”

Kirby made his way out of Meta Knight’s room, and briskly made his way out of the castle, down the mountain trail and through the fields to return to his little dome-shaped home. Of course, he didn’t leave the castle without saying good night to everyone he met on the way out.

Kirby was well-rested when he woke up that morning. He went out and ate his breakfast of some apples provided by Whispy Woods, but one thing from the previous day still lingered in his mind - what was with the butterfly? He still didn’t know. After eating his breakfast, he sat and thought about who else could know about the butterfly.

He could try asking Hyness himself, but that was risky. Hyness was unpredictable at best, and even if he wasn’t, Kirby wouldn’t know where to find him. All he knew was that he was in the bushes somewhere.

He could ask the Jambastion mages! They used to work for Hyness, maybe they knew something! But the more he thought about it, the more Kirby reconsidered. Maybe they didn’t want to bring up any memories of Hyness.

He could ask Magolor. He also knew a bunch of stuff! A bunch of different stuff than Meta Knight, for sure, which would help a lot. And Hyness kinda looked like him, so maybe they were related or something.

Kirby decided to ask Magolor after a bit of debate. The problem was, where was the Lor Starcutter? Usually it was parked somewhere near Marx’s house. That was a good place to start!

Marx’s house wasn’t too far away from his own. Just a little jog and he was already there. It was shaped much like his own, but the paint job was thin, half-revealing the bricks underneath. It also looked much older than his. And, thankfully, the Lor Starcutter was stationed a few meters away from the house.

Kirby jogged up to the Lor, and the door opened with whizzing sound as he stepped onto the ramp.

Magolor was at the keyboard, typing up something up in what Kirby was pretty sure was Halcandran. Marx was there, too, inexplicably holding a cup of ramen and eating from it as he watched the unfamiliar letters flicker up on the large screen.

Magolor’s ears pricked up as the door opened, and turned to see Kirby. Marx did the same, leaving the ramen in his mouth hang.

“Heya Kirby!” Magolor said.

“Hey Kirbs,” Marx said, much more casually than his Halcandran friend.

“Hi guys!” Kirby greeted back, waving an arm.

“What brings ya?” Magolor asked, leaning back one of the star-decorated ends of the keyboard.

“So, uh, y’know that butterfly?” Kirby started.

Marx swallowed some ramen before inquiring, “That weird one with the red wings? Yeah.”

“I think I know the one,” Magolor added, a finger to his collar in thought.

“Yeah well according to Hyness, it’s a monster that’s gonna kill us all? Or something like that?” Kirby explained, “I was thinking that maybe you knew something about dangerous butterflies, Mags.”

While Magolor thought, Marx set his ramen cup to the ground.

“He… said that it was dangerous,” Marx asked, an eyebrow raised.

Kirby nodded.

“That… is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. I mean, how could a butterfly be dangerous?”

“It could be poisonous,” Magolor suggested.

Marx hummed with thought. “True.”

Magolor thought for a few moments before saying, “Sorry, Kirbs, but I don’t think I’ve read anything about butterflies.”

“Aw, that’s okay!” Kirby said. “I can’t expect you to know everything!”

Magolor smiled under his collar and replied, “Thanks, Kirby.”

As Marx picked up his ramen cup again, he asked, “Why do ya want to know, anyway? Hyness is a wacko.”

“Uhhhhhhh…” Kirby placed a paw to his chin with thought. “...I dunno. I kinda just do.

“Fair enough,” Marx replied as he started eating his ramen again. “I didn’t really have a reason for trying to take over Popstar.”

Magolor gave him a glare. Marx just raised an eyebrow at him before saying, “What? I’m hungry and ramen’s good.”

Magolor sighed. He lightened up as he said, “Welp, see ya, Kirby! Hope you find the answers to your question!”

“Byeeee!” Kirby said as he ran out of the Lor.