Yo-kai Watch

I've been a Yo-kai Watch fan since early 2016! I found the demo for the first game on the 3DS EShop I believe before its English release and I was instantly hooked on both the battle system and the characters! I have a lot of favourite characters, but of the mascots, my favourite is Whisper!

I have a Yo-kai Watch sideblog on Tumblr - yo-clogs! It's got all sorts of cool fanmade content on there, so go check it out!

I honestly have a lot of thoughts on the series and its characters, and I might add some more of my thoughts here when the fancy strikes me!

My Recommended Order for Playing the Games
ANALYSIS: Narrative Parallels Between Jibanyan's Secret and the Whistory Lessons

Full favourites list (hosted on my YKW sideblog)