My Writing

Remember when I said it was original writing only? NOT ANYMORE I GUESS. I'll be working on creating mirrors from my AO3 to here over the next.... however long it takes!

Multichapter works and connected oneshots:

The Process of Evil (25/06/21 - 26/09/21) (Fanfic: Nexo Knights)

View-Monster Duology (09/08/19 - 26/06/20) (Fanfic: Mother CogDis)

200X: Melody of the Variable (22/12/18 - 17/11/19) (Fanfic: Mother/EarthBound)

Dream Friend Oneshots (09/03/18 - 03/12/18) (Fanfic: Kirby)

Toontown: Event Horizon OC Poems (20/09/23, 26/09/23) (Fanfic/OC: Toontown)
Various short poems written about TTEVH versions of my already-existing Toontown characters.

Seeking Out the Sushi Hero! (07/11/22) (Fanfic: Yo-kai Watch)
"An anonymous requester wants us to find out the interests of a certain ‘Lining dude’… Where have I heard that name before?"
A not-so-anonymous requester enlists the help of Hailey and Usapyon to find out Silver Lining's interests. Unfortunately for him, they run into him and know his manner of writing quite well.
Takes place after both of Hailey's Deadcool quests.

Falling Star (18/10/22) (Original)
A poem about eldritch-hood and its othering properties from the perspective of the people once closest to the newly-ascended one.

Jambandran in the Sleepless Valley (15/04/22) (Fanfic: Kirby)
Desperate to get some quiet alone time while on holiday, Hyness finds his way to Originull Wasteland in the middle of the night. He ends up in someone's company anyway. Minor Kirby and the Forgotten Land spoilers.

ValenToon's Will Be Soon (14/02/22) (Fanfic: Toontown)
"Doctor Surlee was far too familiar with the feeling of isolation. Hiding away from Toontown on the 26th of each month for multiple years tended to do that to a Toon. The isolating feeling that came around in February, however, was different. It was just the ValenToon’s Day celebrations."
As ValenToon's Day approaches, Doctor Surlee starts to consider telling someone why he's so quiet at this time of year.

The Crested Agate Forest Creature (30/10/21) (Fanfic: WarioWare)
"There was something in Agate Forest that people never got a good glimpse at. It started when people noticed the leaves had been swept into neat little piles, and the forest floor had a few less acorns on it than usual."
In which Doris 1 spends her days in Agate Forest and people notice.

Crayons and Sunlight (26/10/21) (Fanfic: Deltarune)
"Kris slides the poster they nabbed before coming to the shop over and flip it over to the blank side. They stare at it for a few moments as they tap the black crayon against their cheek. Spamton also stares at the poster's blank side, awaiting what Kris would draw.
" ...It turned out they didn't have any ideas."
Kris takes a moment to hang out with Spamton. A single drawing is all it takes for the discussion to get kind of existential.

A Surname Makes All The Difference (10/06/21) (Fanfic: Nexo Knights)
"So, thankfully, everyone in his army was fast asleep.
" ...Almost everyone."
Monstrox and Ruina talk about the Grey Knight one early morning. Takes place between episodes 32 (s4e2) and 33 (s4e3).

Rubble Trouble (07/06/21) (Fanfic: Nexo Knights)
Clay visits Jestro and Arnoldi while he practices controlling his magic. He also delivers their lunch.
Takes place post-season 4.

Facesnatch Day (01/11/20) (Fanfic: Miitopia)
"The phenomena had no official name, as only three people, as far as he knew, knew it occurred in the first place. He had taken to calling them do-overs, but he knew the others wise to the phenomena had their own names for it."
The Great Sage wakes up to find himself at the beginning of the game again.

Long Last Moments (28/10/19) (Fanfic: Star Fox)
After his defeat, Pigma drifts in space, torn into pieces and wondering about answers he will never get.

Breaking the Mold (24/07/19) (Fanfic: Chrono Trigger)
"She could, theoretically, change something within the databases.
"Prometheus just didn’t expect her to actually try and do that."
In which Atropos says trans rights and hacks the database so it has her right name and pronouns.

Someone I Know (21/07/19) (Fanfic: Chrono Trigger)
A robot tends to the to-be forest, and a knight watches.

Sad Machine (13/07/19) (Fanfic: Chrono Trigger)
Robo always insisted that he was fine after his trip to the Geno Dome. He wasn't fooling anyone, especially not Frog.

What Do You Want to Do Now? (30/06/19) (Fanfic: Mother CogDis)
A new day rises on planet Earth, in a new chapter of the Applechasers' lives. Larice watches the sunrise, and is asked a very important question.
Mild spoilers for the Severance ending, I guess.

Robobonga (28/06/19) (Fanfic: Chrono Trigger)
Robo's attention shifts from finding the dreamstone to worrying about skull-smash. His warnings are mostly ignored.

Stella Aurum (03/05/19) (Fanfic: Mother CogDis)
The gold of a Starman Super can't be dulled. Even parasitic alien plants know that.
(An imagining of what might have happened to the Starman Supers during the time between Chapter 2 and Chapter 7.)

But He Was Happy (18/03/19) (Fanfic: Mother CogDis)
Maybe he would've forgiven the Applechasers before if he wasn't too scared to to be on the crew who was playing Hard Mode.

Larice. (16/01/19) (Fanfic: Mother CogDis)
A Starman is never supposed to disobey orders. When they do, their emblem is torn off and they're sent to deactivation. They're never seen again.
Apart from you.

Bowfest Blues (01/01/19) (Fanfic: Mother CogDis)
Bowfest '8X is about to get started, but there's one thing missing - the guitarist.

Smiles and Fears (27/12/18) (Fanfic: Mother CogDis)
In the face of adversity, what do you do...?

A Break Between Doors (20/12/18) (Fanfic: Mother CogDis)
"This weird world had many mysteries, none of which any of the Applechasers understood. Especially not the room with the doors. Alinivar had gone through his first. The others waited for him, Zarbol a bit less patiently than Colonel Saturn and Larice, but waited nonetheless."
In which Alinivar needs some reassurance.

Transmogrify (10/11/18) (Fanfic: Mother/EarthBound)
"to change in appearance or form, especially strangely or grotesquely; transform."
If Porkey can't pull the Needles, then he'll just find some other way to destroy the world. And luckily for him, he's already worked with someone with that that kind of power. It's just a matter of getting him back to the Nowhere Islands.
(Based on some unused stuff from Mother 3)

Overlooking Onett (26/09/18) (Fanfic: Mother/EarthBound)
Ness collects the melody of Giant Step.

Going the Distance (18/09/18) (Fanfic: Mother/EarthBound)
"Picky couldn’t quite remember when the weird letters had started coming in. Maybe three or four months after Ness and his friends saved the universe."